Vers SIEM efficace utulisant un système de detection d’intrution hybrid et intelligent pour proteger les informations personnel contre les attaques web

Thesis Defended on 10/12/2022 by Fatimetou Abdou Vadhil Jury Thesis reviewers Supervisor Mohamedade Farouk Nanne Co-Supervisor Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic Institution Doctoral school Doctoral studies Institution Doctoral school science and technology Doctoral studies Mathematics and computer science Keywords

Etude experimentale et numerique d’un habitat bioclimatique et durable : cas de la valorisation de typha australies en materiaux de construction

Thesis Defended on 04/12/2022 by Labouda Ba Dite Oumoul Ba Abdellahi Jury Thesis reviewers Supervisor Mohamedou Ndongo Co-Supervisor Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic Institution Doctoral school Doctoral studies Institution Doctoral school science and technology Doctoral studies Physics Keywords

Synthèse et caracterisation des complexes d’aluminium, beryllium, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, nickel et fer avec des phosphoramides contenant des groupesamino-cycliques

Thesis Defended on 20/03/2021 by Mohamed Mohamed Lemine M’Haiham Jury Thesis reviewers Supervisor Aliou Hamady Barry Co-Supervisor Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic Institution Doctoral school Doctoral studies Institution Doctoral school science and technology Doctoral studies Chemistry Keywords

Épidémiologie et diversité génétique de Plasmodium falciparum dans le département de Kobeni, Hodh Elgharbi : implication pour la lutte antipaludique en Mauritanie

Thesis Defended on 28/10/2020 by Sileye Mamadou Diallo Jury Lô, Baidy Sokhna, Cheikh Sadibou Thesis reviewers: Mamadou Diakité, Boubacar Faye Supervisor Boukhary, Ali Ould Mohamed Salem Co-Supervisor Basco, Leonardo K. Abstract French English Arabic French 2326 sujets inclus dans notre étude, la prévalence du paludisme par test du diagnostic rapide (TDR), microscopie et PCR était […]

Data Resource Profile: The Global School-based Student Health Survey-behavioural risk and protective factors among adolescents

Authors [Baba, Sidi Ahmed Ould] Div Sante Scolaire & Univ, Nouakchott, Mauritania Article Source : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Date : Link: Research Areas : Public, Environmental & Occupational Health Higher education or scientific research establishment University of Nouakchott International cooperation Germany, China, USA, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Libya, Afghanistan, Malaysia, USA, South Africa

Effects of misreporting landings, discards, and Catch Per Unit of Effort index in state-space production models: the case of black hake in northwest Africa

Authors [Meissa, Beyah] Inst Mauritanien Rech Oceanog & Peches IMROP, BP 22 Cansado, Nouadhibou, Mauritania Article Source : ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE Date : Link: Research Areas : Fisheries; Marine & Freshwater Biology; Oceanography Higher education or scientific research establishment Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries International cooperation Espagne, Denmark, England

Rift Valley fever, Mauritania, 2020: Lessons from a one health approach

Authors [Barry, Yahya; Mamy, Ahmed B. Ould El; Beyit, Abdellahi Diambar; Khayar, Mariem Seyidna; Demba, Ba Aliou; Haki, Mohamed Limine] Off Natl Rech & Dev Elevage & Pastoralisme ONARDEP, Nouakchott, Mauritania; [Elbara, Ahmed; Bollahi, Mohamed Abdallahi] Inst Natl Rech Sante Publ INRSP, Nouakchott, Mauritania; [Doumbia, Baba] Minist Dev Rural, Nouakchott, Mauritania; [Fall, Mokhtar] WHO, Nouakchott, […]