السلطتان التشريعية والتنفيذية والعلاقة بينهما في الدستور الجزائري

Thesis, defended by Mohamed Lemin Sedigh under supervision. Mr. Dr. Sidi Mohamed Sidi Abba from the University of Nouakchott 05/13/2022. (Public Law) Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in legal science, Doctoral School of Legal and Economic Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

مراحل تطور القضاء الجنائي الدولي وأثرها على المسؤولية الجنائية للفرد

Thesis, defended by Ismail Escan under supervision. Mr. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sharif from the University of Nouakchott 05/14/2022. (Public Law) Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in legal science, Doctoral School of Legal and Economic Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

مستقبل الديبلوماسية الموريتانية في ضوء الرهانات الإقليمية والدولية

Thesis, defended by Mohamed Moftah Ahmedou under the supervision of Prof. Ibrahim Al-Sharif from the University of Nouakchott 05/12/2022. (Public Law) Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in legal science, Doctoral School of Legal and Economic Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

تعويض الضرر الجسماني وفقا لقواعد التأمين على المسؤولية المدنية في التشريع الموريتاني

Thesis Defended on 11/07/2021 by معمر محمد سالم Jury Thesis reviewers Supervisor أ.د.أحمدو عبد الدائم Co-Supervisor Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic Institution Doctoral school Doctoral studies Institution Doctoral school Doctoral studies Keywords