بنية الخطاب ودلالاتها في رواية الف ليلة :سردية الخطاب

Thesis in Arabic Letter, defended by Abd al-Rahman Sidia under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed El Amine Moulay Brahim from the University of Nouakchott. 01/11/2021. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Arabic Literature, Doctoral School of Sciences and Humanities, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

عقد الشوارد في شرح ما جاء في طرة ابن بون من الابيات والشواهد

Thesis in Arabic Literature, defended by Ahmed Aboubakar under the supervision of Prof. Abdullah Mohamed Salem Al-Sayed from the University of Nouakchott 07/01/2021. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Arabic Literature, Doctoral School of Sciences and Humanities, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

السرد والتاريخ

Thesis, defended by Ahmed Lakbeed under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Tata from the University of Nouakchott 02/11/2019. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Arabic Literature, Doctoral School of Sciences and Humanities, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

المديح النبوي في الثقافة الشعبية :مدخل إلى الانشاد الديني في الصحراء

Thesis in Arabic Literature, defended by Fatima Mohamed Mahmoud under the supervision of Prof. Abdullah Mohamed Salem El-Sayed from the University of Nouakchott 11/21/2019. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Arabic Literature, Doctoral School of Sciences and Humanities, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

المدح في شعر المتنبي

Thesis in Arabic Literature, defended by Cheikh Babah under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Hassan El Mostafa from the University of Nouakchott 06/28/2019. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Arabic Literature, Doctoral School of Sciences and Humanities, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic