الحماية الجنائية الموضوعية للطفل في القانون الموريتاني

Thesis, defended by Seyid Radhy under supervision. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdullah Moctar from the University of Nouakchott, 07/08/2021. (Private Law) Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in Legal Sciences, Doctoral School of Economics, Legal and Political Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

تهيئة الاحياء العشوائية “الكزرات في مدينة انواكشوط” بين إعادة الهيكلة والايواءمن 1974 إلى 2018

Thesis, defended by Kewad Sidi under the supervision of Prof. Sidi Abdullah Al-Mahboubi from the University of Nouakchott 07/22/2022. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in XX, Doctoral School of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

المناخ وأثره على التحولات البيئية بولاية الحوض الغربي الموريتانية

Thesis defended by Mohamed Abdullah under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Cheikh Abdelkader from the University of Nouakchott. 07/21/2022. Key words : Doctoral studies : Doctoral training in XX, Doctoral School of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic

المدن الصغيرة في موريتانيا وعلاقاتها بظهيرها السكاني (المدردره)

Thèse préparée par Oum-Elide El Bey sous la direction du Prof. Mohamed Bebha Nasser – Mohamed Sheikh Sage Ahmed, participant de l’Université de Nouakchott. 01/14/2021. Mots-clés : Études doctorales : Formation doctorale en , Ecole Doctorale des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université de Nouakchott Abstract French English Arabic French English Arabic